Benefits of an Induction Video for your Business

Written by Patrick Barry
Over the past year we have been producing induction videos for businesses around Victoria. Induction videos may not sound so exciting as they cannot be used as part of marketing or an advertisement campaign, however businesses can benefit greatly from such videos as part of their onboarding and communication strategy, training and up-skilling employees.
Induction videos can also be used for customers in certain industries to save time, to ensure that information is being communicated to your customers consistently and to lower human resource costs.
We’re currently in the process of producing a guest induction video for a housbepoat company. This will replace an employee run induction to every customer that hires their houseboats, ensuring compliance, understanding of all safety and procedures, operation and so on.
Induction videos can also be used to communicate organisational operations to outside stakeholders. For example we recently produced a contractors induction video for a large concrete and mining company that has many external contractors working in their organisation every day. Their company can communicate all the rules, processes and procedures that are required to be followed, and allows them to save time and communicate consistent information to all contractors.
5 Benefits of Induction Videos

– 1 Save time and resources
A person based induction is time-consuming and can sometimes get expensive and resource heavy.
If contractors are involved who will work only for a short-time period, then additional costs come in.
Also, in the majority of cases, it has been observed that it gets difficult to maintain the consistency of the message you want to convey during the sessions each time.
– 2 Communicate more in less time
The video format allows you to share your message in form of a story that is not only more engaging but also helps convey the message more effectively.
Induction or training videos have been considered more effective than just giving a presentation or giving handouts.
– 3 Flexibility
Video format provides you with the flexibility to adapt it according to your target audience, and different parts of your workforce.
– 4 Improves communication
You can use different animations, images, infographics, and stories to make your video interesting and engaing.
This will help the audience to engage visually and absorb information which they cannot do physically on a piece of paper. Resulting in improved communication and retention of information.
– 5 Can be customised
It is important that your induction videos be relevant to the audience and their role in the organisation.
You may customise your videos and have different versions for different roles. For example, a newly inducted long-term employee may need more information than a short-term contractor, so you can plan your videos accordingly. Mawsons produced both an employee induction and then customised it for contractors.

Induction videos are a great way to explain what your business does in an entertaining way that is not only visually engaging but also helps retain key information.
Moreover, in in-person training, it gets difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication—did your audience understand the information or read the handout you gave during your in-person induction?
With videos, it gets easier to measure the effectiveness with the number of views, attempted quizzes and engagement if your video has engaging elements.
To know more about how Radiant Media can help you make the best out of a training or induction video, get in touch with us today!

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